19 September 2006 Tea town Kjachta

The disctrict capital is situated directly on the boarder to Mongolia. Being well known as a tea town even in Moscow, Saint Petersburg and in Europe, Kjachta was called "Venice of the sand" in the 19th century: It provided Europe with Chinese tea. Later, when the trade routes (Suez-Kanal and others) were changed, Kjachta lost its economical fundament. Today Kjachta is a calm province town with its 18000 inhabitants. Some monuments and the big local museum remind of the "Golden age" of the town (detailled information on the town, its history and its sights).

Resurrection church (Woskresénskaja zérkov) directly on the Mongolian border
National border with Mongolia Wood transports to sparcely wooded Mongolia and to China
Border installations
View on Kjachta from a mountain on the boarder
View on the city centre and the Uspenskaja church Central place with trading court
The Uspenskaja church is used as the only church

To the local museum Kjachta

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